April 2015 - March 2018
Ph.D, Department of Cosmosciences, Graduate chool of Science, Hokkaido University, Japan
April 2013 - March 2015
M.S., Department of Cosmosciences, Graduate chool of Science, Hokkaido University, Japan
April 2009 - March 2013
B.S., Department of Physcs, School of Science, Hokkaido University, Japan
Refereed Publications
"The effect of photoionising feedback on star formation in isolated and colliding clouds"
Kazuhiro Shima, Elizabeth J. Tasker, Christoph Federrath, Asao Habe
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 70, Issue SP2, id.S54
(ADS, arXiv)[Movie]
"Does feedback help or hinder star formation? The effect of photoionization on star formation in giant molecular clouds"
Kazuhiro Shima, Elizabeth J. Tasker, Asao Habe
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Value 467, Issue 1, p.512-523, 05/2017
(ADS, arXiv)
International Conference
- The Second annual symposium of the innovative area "Gravitational Wave Physics and Astronomy: Genesis", Japan, poster
- Workshop: Star Formation Triggered by Cloud-Cloud Collision, Japan, talk
- ALMA NA-Taiwan Joint Workshop, Taiwan, talk
- 29th IAU General Assembly, USA, poster
- Star Formation Workshop 2015, Japan, poster
- Enzo User Workshop 2014, Japan, talk
- The 6th East-Asian Numerical Astrophysics Meeting, Korea, talk
- The Impact of Galactic Structure on Star Formation, Japan, poster
Domestic Conference
- 春季年会, 東京, talk
- 秋季年会, 兵庫, poster
- 春季年会, 千葉, talk
- 星形成と銀河構造における磁場の役割, 鹿児島, invited talk
- NAOJ - Division of Theoretical Astronomy Workshop 2017, 水沢, invited talk
- 秋季年会, 北海道, talk
- D3 Workshop, 長野, talk
- 春季年会, 福岡, talk
- 秋季年会, 愛媛, poster
- 夏の学校, 長野, poster
- 春季年会, 東京, talk
- 分子雲衝突で探る星形成, 北海道, talk
- 秋季年会, 兵庫, talk
- 春季年会, 大阪, talk
- 名古屋大学南半球研究センター研究会, 名古屋, talk
- 秋季年会, 山形, talk
- 夏の学校, 長野, talk
- 春季年会, 東京, poster